18 Head Rose Bouquet, 12" H
Enhance your decor with this beautiful 18 head rose bouquet. Standing 12 inches tall, this bouquet features vibrant, lifelike roses that add a touch of elegance to any setting. Perfect for weddings, events, or home decor, these artificial roses require no maintenance while providing a timeless aesthetic.
18 rose heads
Height: 12 inches
Lifelike appearance
No maintenance required
Ideal for weddings, events, and home decor
Dimensions: 12" H
Material: High-quality silk or synthetic fabric
Color: Varied (based on availability)
Packaging: 1 bouquet per package
Ideal for:
Wedding bouquets
Event decorations
Home floral arrangements
Gift for special occasions
1 bouquet with 18 rose heads
Packaged securely for delivery